
Project Reports


La crise socio-économique et politique qui sévit en République centrafricaine depuis des décennies entretien une crise humanitaire sans précédent dans les

communautés et contant mouvements suite au conflit ainsi que dans la communauté d’accueil. Les besoins de base de la population ne sont pas couverts et dépendent pour la plupart de l’aide humanitaire. Cet état de fait est couplé avec une exposition à la population aux risques de protection de grande ampleur, ce qui alimente le cercle vicieux de la pauvreté et des conflits. Cette situation se pose avec acuité dans la sous-préfecture de Ndele qui est marquée par des mouvements de la population suite aux attaques récurrentes dans certains axes de la sous-préfecture.


Ces mouvements incessants de la population amplifient les vulnérabilités des communautés déjà fragiles que ça soit les communautés en déplacement (PDI) ou la population hôte. Dans ce contexte les besoins deviennent immenses, variés et

complexes ce qui demande une réponse multisectorielle adaptée afin de mieux contribuer à sauver des vies et à restaurer la dignité des personnes affectées.

Activity Report On Agricultural Input Distribution

“The activity of distributing agricultural in puts to 4000 beneficiaries from Ngala LGA and Banki vicinity of Bama LGA of Borno State has been conducted. Sensitization and awareness, selection of project management commute as well as beneficiaries list validation activities were conducted prior to distribution. In regard to list validation assessment Taro Yamani sampling techniques was used to pick a sample population. The techniques lead to the sample size of 272 beneficiaries in Ngala LGA and 90 beneficiaries in Banki vicinity. Results from list validation assessment revealed an average score of 84.23% in Ngala and 72.72% in Banki Vicinity, while the observation method another technique of data collection which was adopted during the exercise, revealed a score of 100% for Banki vicinity and 98.9% for Ngala LGA. However, some errors were observed on the list, these includes, continues skip of serial numbers, duplication of names, having more than one beneficiary from the same family, as well as having beneficiaries who are not resident of the two localities of interest. Therefore, a response mechanism aimed at addressing errors noticed during the exercise was applied by removing unqualified beneficiaries and replacing them. Those added to the list include Persons Living with Disability, people from minority tribe, Christian communities’ members, widows, Survivor of Gender Based Violence among several others. 

A Survey to Identify The Number of Out-of-School Children in the Age of 3 - 18

Despite various initiatives, institutional frameworks and policies put in place, there is a large number of school-age children roam the streets of Nigeria.
Nigeria unduly is among the top ranked countries with a high total number of
out-of-school children in the globally. The breakdown of people in the out-of-school set
includes children with disabilities, migrants, Almajiri students , internal displaced people
due to conflicts which mostly affected North-Eastern states like Adamawa, Yobe and
Borno. It is absolutely patent that among the reasons behind a hiking number of out-of-school children in Nigeria is traceable to different cases of insecurity, feeble institutional
and policy structure, norms and traditions of the people, poverty, and total
excommunication of children with disabilities in consideration while making of policies.
This report was written following a survey conducted in Malkohi Community of Yola
North Local Government Area, Adamawa State on status of Out of School Children. It
results showed that 44% of children aged between 3 to 18 years are out of school.
Moreover, a good number of causes, consequences and solution in line with Out of School.

Safe School Declaration (SSD) Towards Domestication

The SSD Advocacy Plan represents an integrated approach to
protecting education from attack that combines a variety of advocacy approaches
and activities, and adapts them to the specific Nigerian context, weighing the
risks and challenges as they pertain to the prevailing conditions.

Towards SSD (Safe Schools Declaration)
implementation and domestication perspective in Adamawa State, All for Peace
and Dignity (APADE) Adamawa together
with many scholars are of the opinion that political, social and economic
programs could be an important complement to conventional military operations
in addressing the root causes of the conflict. They are of the view that
solution to this problem could lie in program designed to support the local
population to be secure, safe and more aligned with the counter insurgency
efforts. They may make the citizens of the affected communities to trust the
goals and purposes of the counter insurgency efforts.

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